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I-01 : Le clavecin à trois claviers signé Stefano Bolcioni, Florence, 1627 

se trouve maintenant à Edinburgh dans la Collection Raymond Russell d’instruments à clavier

Triple-manual Italian harpsichord. Inner-outer case construction. Compass 52|notes C₂/E₂ – G₆ [C/E – g »’]. Three sets of strings, 2 × 8-ft, 1 × 4-ft (now removed). Repair History: Originally a single-manual harpsichord with 53|notes; [G₁, A₁] C₂/E₂ to C₆ with two natural keylevers below a normal broken octave (split D₂/F♯₂ and E₂/G♯₂), and then with split accidental keylevers. Converted by inserting three keyboards from another instrument by Leopold Franciolini circa 1895. Restored as a three manual instrument by A.N.|Masson in 1915 and M.|Asseman.

Purchased by Raymond Russell before 1956; ex- M. & A. Salomon, Paris, 1930; ex- L. Franciolini, Florence.; Gift of Mrs Gilbert Russell, 1964.

Click Here to read more about this harpsichord ( a Grant O’Brien study)